It was Boots at Target, then SpaceNK in the City- later in Scarsdale- now it's Topshop! Can we say we're loving the British?

A city girl finds comfort in the suburbs
It was Boots at Target, then SpaceNK in the City- later in Scarsdale- now it's Topshop! Can we say we're loving the British?
Posted by
A City Girl in the Burbs
9:55 AM
When the Westchester Magazine came out with its Nightlife issue in March '08, I couldn't help but be cynical and think that nightlife in Westchester was an oxymoron.
It's not that hubby and I don't go out a couple days a week, or that we don't appreciate the nearby venues where we have a good time, it's just that the suburbs have always been synonymous with quaint neighborhood eateries, quiet streets and a 10 PM curfew. Or, so I had thought...
On Saturday night, we ended up at Lucy's Lounge in Pleasantville- not by coincidence. When hubby and I were sitting by the waterfront in Yonkers a few weekends ago, we had browsed through a copy of the "More Sugar" paper and noticed that one of the U2 tribute bands, 2U, we had previously seen (the other one is the Unforgettable Fire) would be playing on Aug. 16th, same day as the Jets pre-season game where we would watch Favre for the first time. We decided that we'd go to the game and then head over to Lucy's afterward.
I was happy that Lucy's was easy to find, right off Bedford Road, conveniently accessible from the Saw Mill & the Taconic. Parking was accessible as well- not in the bar's designated parking lot but at the municipal parking spot across the street. From the outside, it looked like a cool cousin of one of the bars in White Plains- girls and guys catching a few smokes, the door-boy making small talk, and music pouring outside the door.
Walking inside, I was pleasantly surprised to find the bar packed with not only 20-somethings, but also with some slightly more mature (at least in their looks!) crowd. There were women decked out in tent dresses and big jewelry, men in casual slacks and button-downs, adding to the polished atmosphere. (I thanked my wisdom in taking off my Jets jersey and putting on something more appropriate prior to going in!) There were also more individualistic styles- I attributed it to the wide range of crowd that the band must've drawn in to the bar that evening- I actually love that!
The band played on, Michael Phelps won his 8th gold medal, we sipped our beers, and enjoyed the cool breeze coming in through the doors and windows. Our evening at Lucy's in Pleasantville, overall, was quite pleasant (cannot help myself!!!); I'd love to go back and sample one (or two?) of their martinis.
Maybe, after all, there's a nightlife in Westchester for those of us in their 30s & 40s aside from our neighborhood comfort zones- we just need to stretch our thinking...
Posted by
A City Girl in the Burbs
8:06 AM
Labels: Around Town
So you get the best coffee from your favorite shop of joe, you get the best school for your kid, you live in the best town for the recreation, you go to the best bar for killer mojitos, seek the best boots for the fall, and the list goes on... So, what do you do, when you have the best haircut ever (see my post on Lindsay hair), to highlight its features in the best way possible? I am talking about the gorgeous layers, the volume, and the shine.
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A City Girl in the Burbs
5:34 PM
There are a few things I get excited about, and one of them is finding a beloved store in the City in my own backyard. To add to my excitement, this time it is a global favorite, and I am simply thrilled! I think the last time I felt this way was when Target partnered with Boots- a total "must-visit-when-in-the-UK" destination for me...
Space NK opened up its NYC flagship store on 99 Greene Street in Soho. I've made my pilgrimage, and opened up my wallet without a blink- I absolutely love the brands they carry as well as their own brand.
And now, they're in Scarsdale, right on Harwood Court- an ideal location for a boutique apothecary. Oh, I am getting goosebumps!!! It has a gorgeous layout- all white- and although some may not find the space large, I found it's pretty spacious for its location.
You know I love sharing my finds, so here are some faves from Space NK:
If you are not familiar with SpaceNK, then go online to their website (or, click here) and order their catalogue. It arrives at your mailbox in a handwritten envelope a couple of days after you click send.
Now, that's British sensibility!
Posted by
A City Girl in the Burbs
6:02 PM
Labels: Around Town, Beauty, Hair, Shopping
What happened to "waiting"?
Before I add to my Fall/Winter wardrobe, I wait until the September issues of my fave magazines. Similarly, I do the same in March when planning what to purchase for the following Spring/Summer. I love these magazines' thickness, their juiciness- I devour them over a weekend or two, indulging post-its on potential candidates, chewing over my selections, taking a bite out of offerings,... I find beauty in my anticipation.
See, I learned all this from the best: My mother. With a cup of joe at her side, she would perform this ritual every March and September. When I replicate it today, without her physically by my side, I try to adhere to every little step. And then, I cannot wait to get on the phone with her and exchange our findings. Beyond the comparisons of what's hot/not in the US vs. Europe and our takes on the upcoming season, our conversations take many intimate turns. Sheer delight.
Am I so "yesterday"?
The New York Times Thursday Styles may claim so. (Ironic enough, I used to wait for Sunday Styles but now I've been indulged with a mid-week snack of Thursday Styles...) In today's article, "Where the Fashionistas Go for a Quick Fix", there's a review of online fashion magazines to quench a fashion lover's thirst for the newest available. As the article claims, these online magazine may not be able to replace the print counterparts, however, they're a growing clan and attracting viewers and advertisers. I smell money.
Here's a sampling of online magazines from the article:
So, the City girl in me loves the speed of information- feed me, feed me! At the same time, I cannot help but feel threatened about losing the sense of anticipation and what that means to me.
Now, what does that make me?
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A City Girl in the Burbs
8:30 AM
Early July, HBO On-Demand was running Georgia Rule- a movie about a generation of women, clashing, congealing, and then clashing again and coming together for good. What interested me more than the plot was- ready for this one?- Lindsay Lohan's hair. Yes. She had gorgeous, long-layered hair. And I know, she has probably more extensions than anyone, more hair-coloring jobs than my years of hair dying combined, a stylist at hand, and all those countless luxuries that those in the eye of the public can afford. With all that said, I wanted her hair.
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A City Girl in the Burbs
12:25 PM
I admit: I had not borrowed from a public library for my own personal reading in a long time. So long that- not counting my college library experience- I can trace my public library borrowing back to my high school years.
See, I am a book consumer- I indulge in buying my books, getting that "fresh" smell when you crack it open, the softness of the pages, the richness of the graphics. Often with a pencil in hand, I write all over my books- in the margins to document my dialogue, in between words that are intriguing, under sentences that I plan to use at one point,... Usually, I do go back to my favorites, not to reread the entire book but to locate my markings. Oh, and I love buying them in 'bulk', usually 4-5 at a time, after a careful research.
At the end of June this year, I did a quick calculation, and realized that the money I spent on books rivaled our grocery budget. And this is when I became frugal.
I went through my filing cabinet to locate that membership card that I had signed up for about a year ago. I knew it'd come in handy one day. I went to the Westchester Public Library website, registered, and started searching around. Some books I found my local libraries had available, others I put on hold.
With a plan on hand and a list in purse, I drove to my first local library. Disappointed that it's undergoing a major renovation, I quickly made my way to the "New Releases" and located my book, and coyly approached the library lady (I used to be one in college!) and showed my card. All went well. Then, I drove to another nearby library, and that's where I lost myself in shelves, shelves full of books. Though no longer fresh smelling, the books were still appealing, preserving their allure of newness. Equipped with four books by the end of the day, I drove home happily. When hubby came home that night, I boasted about how much I 'saved' that day by borrowing my books, instead of purchasing them. He was impressed.
Now into my second month of using the public library, I am feeling content about saving the money I would've spent otherwise. So, you can imagine, I was not the least bit surprised to hear about Queens Library's release:
Posted by
A City Girl in the Burbs
9:26 AM
Labels: Trips
Posted by
A City Girl in the Burbs
7:43 AM
Labels: Food, Restaurants
An older gentleman- oh, about 80 or so- stepped off the pedicure chair as I squished my body in the empty chair, in between two older ladies who were in a deep conversation. Feet soaked into the warm bubbly water, I pulled out my book and tried to concentrate on the lines that I found myself reading over and over. Their conversation jumped from Bat Mitzvahs to Weddings to Whole Foods as did their talking arms jumped from the sides of their seats into mine. I was about to pull out my iPod when the lady on my left started talking about shopping from Eileen Fisher since she's put on the post-menopause pounds. Hmm... I had never associated Eileen Fisher's clothing with plus-size, then again, lately I've noticed that brands have started stretching their range of sizes from 00- to 20+...
Posted by
A City Girl in the Burbs
12:30 PM
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd has a special place in my life: its publishing loosely coincided with our move to the 'burbs. I'd sit on our patio and get lost in the old South, and think of the tastes of honey buns, peach cobblers, banana cream pies,.. I was so inspired by the book that I dragged one of my friends with me on a quest to locate "honey buns" in my neighborhood. Well, we found them at a bakery at the Golden Horseshoe Mall nearby, and I have to be honest, they were very small and disappointing...
Recently, in honor of all the Honeybees out there, several publications included honey recipes in the past months. Recharged by my interest in honey buns, I've been tempted to bake them all- but I have to admit baking requires accuracy in measurement, preciseness in following directions, and most of all, abundance of time. I came very close to baking Martha Stewart's Honey-Glazed Beehive Cake, but couldn't justify buying the $39 (plus s+h) Beehive Pan from Nordicware. Where else would I use it???
For the dough, you need:
2 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast
2 tablespoons granulated sugar (I substituted Rapadura Whole Organic sugar)
1 cup milk, warmed
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, plus more for buttering
3 large egg yolks
2 tablespoons honey, preferably orange blossom or clover (use local honey here)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract (I added an extra teaspoon or two)
3 1/2 cups plus 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting (I used a combination of whole wheat and all-purpose)
1 teaspoon kosher salt
For the topping, you need:
1/2 cup honey, preferably orange blossom or clover
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus more for brushing
1 1/2 cups pecans (6 ounces), coarsely chopped (Buy them whole- you may want to store them in the freezer, place in a sandwich bag, beat with a meat tenderized or anything that delivers some punch!)
For the filling, you need:
3/4 cup packed light brown sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon (I added another 2 tablespoons)
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
Here are the steps:
1. Make the dough: In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle, combine the yeast with a pinch of granulated sugar and the milk and let stand until foamy, 5 minutes. Add the remaining sugar, the 4 tablespoons of melted butter and the egg yolks, honey and vanilla; mix until blended. Mix in the flour and salt. Switch to the dough hook and knead at medium speed until the dough forms a smooth ball, 4 minutes.
2. Brush a large bowl with butter. Add the dough and brush the top with butter. Cover and let stand in a warm place until doubled in volume, about 1 hour.
3. Meanwhile, make the topping: Butter a 9-by-13-inch glass baking dish. In a medium saucepan, melt the honey with the brown sugar and 4 tablespoons of butter over moderate heat until the sugar is dissolved, about 1 minute. Pour the hot honey mixture into the prepared baking dish and sprinkle with the pecans.
4. Make the filling: In a bowl, mix the sugar with the cinnamon. On a lightly floured work surface, roll out the dough to a 12-by-18-inch rectangle. Spread the butter over the dough, leaving a 1-inch border all around. Sprinkle the dough with the cinnamon sugar. Starting at a long side, roll the dough into a log and turn it seam side down. Cut the dough into 12 slices. Arrange the slices, cut side up, in the baking dish. Cover and let stand in a warm place until the buns double in volume, about 1 hour.
5. Preheat the oven to 350°. Bake the honey buns for about 35 minutes, until golden brown. Remove from the oven and let stand for 5 minutes. Invert the buns onto a baking sheet and let cool slightly. Serve warm.The pecan-honey buns, with my changes, came out pretty much how I hoped they would. There were altogether twelve of them- I ate one immediately and froze the remaining eleven (Ok, ok- I ate two!!) and then froze the remaining ten buns in an air-tight heavy freezer bag.
To reheat, I've been pre-heating my oven to 325° and keeping the buns in for about 25 minutes, you can adjust this time depending on the size and/or the number of buns. After the re-heating, the pecans come out a little crunchier, and have a more pronounced caramelized taste, which I love. If you don't like caramelized pecans, then you may consider covering the tops losely with an aluminum foil. Just make sure that there's enough room between the foil and the bun so nothing gets stuck.
For a little twist, you may want to add some raisins, blond or dark, or currants, which would provide a similar taste. Instead of pecans, you can also substitute walnuts. You might also want to add some nuts (pecans in this case) to the filling for that extra crunch.
As a 'nice' side, you may want to make some homemade lemonade (sun-brewed ones are the BEST), and for a naughtier side, you may think of some Bourbon on the rocks, or a little mint julep, made with reduced sugar so you are not bouncing off the walls!!
A little Janis Joplin on the side does not hurt...
Posted by
A City Girl in the Burbs
9:19 AM